Germany political parties POV
I compiled my personal point of view on the current prominant political parties in Germany in English (for some reddit discussion). Happy election! May all your triggers get activated.
SPD is nowhere near a convential left-wing politics in the last two decades. The "Social" part of their name is a joke. They always do what their coalition-partners tell them to do.
CDU/CSU is a nationalist & sexist conservative party focusing on big-business, surveillance and law-and-order politics.
FDP is for earning money with wars and a completely unregulated predatory capitalism.
B90/Grüne is a capitalistic party with a focus on identity politics. They are good when governing on a local/municipal level where they can advocate more bicycle lanes. But they don't know much about federal politics regarding budgets, big infrastructure or diplomacy.
AfD is a nationalist party for high-income households with some weird ideas regarding religions or ethnicities. Anti-EU party.
BSW is an conservative party for low-income households. Focuses on the pre-2000 ideals of SPD and Die Linke. Anti-EU party.
Die Linke is a society of elderly people who dream of world-peace. They do have a romantic worldview and many good ideas, but discuss those ideas internally as long as it needs to kill those ideas. A compromise is reached when everybody is discontent.